Blogger: Facebook Posted My Private Messages to my Wall

oopsBlogger Molly McHugh from The Daily Dot wrote an extensive column for this week claiming that Facebook published old private messages of hers on her Timeline. She even says that many of the messages reappearing in the glitch were sent via Chat.

Facebook denies that these reappearing messages were ever sent to McHugh’s inbox, claiming that at the time they were originally written (2006) many users primarily used the Facebook Wall as their method of communication, and she could’ve confused it with a private message.

“We’ve examined these claims extensively and remain confident that no private messages are appearing on people’s Timelines,” Facebook wrote back to McHugh. “As we saw last year, the confusion can be traced back to misunderstanding about the visibility of older wall posts. If you’d like to change the audience of previous posts, you can modify the individual post setting or change them all at once in your privacy settings.”

However, McHugh is adamant that the messages she’s seeing reappear on her Timeline are from private messages. As a blog post about the incident on Bustle points out, many early adopters of Facebook were far less concerned for their privacy than modern users are. However, there’s still no reason these messages should be popping up on McHugh’s current Timeline, even if they were originally Wall posts.