Internet Safety & Privacy

Facebook Clarifies Live Video Censorship Rules After Multiple Graphic Streams Last Week

Facebook Clarifies Live Video Censorship Rules After Multiple Graphic Streams Last Week

Facebook restated its rules regarding censoring live-stream videos late last week after footage of several graphically violent events went viral. Last week, an African-American man named Philando Castile was shot by police in Minnesota, and his girlfriend began streaming on Facebook immediately in the aftermath of the incident. Footage was also broadcast live during the…

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Facebook Rolls Out Beta Version Of “Secret Conversations” Feature

Facebook Rolls Out Beta Version Of “Secret Conversations” Feature

Facebook announced this week that it will begin rolling out a beta version of its “Secret Conversations” feature to a small number of Messenger users that aims to protect communications with end-to-end encryption. Apple, WhatsApp and Google all feature similar encryption services for users, so it was high time Facebook caught up with the privacy…

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Israel Calls Facebook A “Monster” For Not Censoring Terrorists

Israel Calls Facebook A “Monster” For Not Censoring Terrorists

Facebook has come under political pressure in recent months to take a stronger stance against extremists who use the site to communicate. The most recent example came last weekend when an Israeli government official called the site a “monster” for not doing more to fight terrorism. “Facebook today, which brought an amazing, positive revolution to…

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Update: Facebook May Be Considering Removing Human Judgment From Trending Topics Altogether

Update: Facebook May Be Considering Removing Human Judgment From Trending Topics Altogether

According to a report from Mashable late last week, Facebook may be testing a new version of its controversial Trending Topics feed that eliminates human judgment from its story selection process altogether. Of course, this is the feature of the site that caused a political firestorm in May after Gizmodo reported that Facebook employees were…

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U.S. Government Wants To Snoop On Foreign Travelers’ Facebook Profiles

U.S. Government Wants To Snoop On Foreign Travelers’ Facebook Profiles

The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) submitted a proposal last week that would allow it to ask non-citizens traveling to the United States about their Facebook profiles and online presence. The CBP already screens foreigners with in-person interviews and database reviews, according to USA Today, but this potential new policy could give the organization…

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Facebook User Has Account Hacked With Fake Passport

Facebook User Has Account Hacked With Fake Passport

23-year-old Aaron Thompson noticed something strange this week when he tried to log in to his Facebook account: the email address and phone number associated with his account had been changed. Then he checked his email to discover an email chain between Facebook customer service and a hacker claiming to be him — a hacker…

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Facebook May Be Stepping Up Censorship Of Extremist Content

Facebook May Be Stepping Up Censorship Of Extremist Content

Facebook has been accused of not doing enough to help fight terrorism — and in one case, the site was even sued for it. However, the world’s largest social network may be stepping up its efforts to censor extremism in a big way. According to an exclusive report in Reuters, Facebook and Google may be…

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Is Facebook Using Your Location To Suggest Friends?

Is Facebook Using Your Location To Suggest Friends?

If you’re a Facebook user, this has probably happened to you: a person you may have met only once pops up in your “Suggested Friends.” Or an ex you’d rather not see. Or a former teacher. These connections can be downright creepy in their knowledge of you, but how does Facebook find that information? Conflicting…

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Facebook To Offer “Political Bias” Employee Training After News Censorship Controversy

Facebook To Offer “Political Bias” Employee Training After News Censorship Controversy

Facebook announced this week that it will add political bias training to its employee orientation following the firestorm last month over allegations that Facebook employees deliberately suppressed conservative news stories in the site’s Trending Topics feed. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, announced the change in an interview with prominent conservative leader Arthur Brooks, president…

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Facebook Just Moved A Lot Of Your Info To The Front Of Your Profile

Facebook Just Moved A Lot Of Your Info To The Front Of Your Profile

You may not know it, but Facebook recently made a tweak to your profile that moved some important — and potentially personal — information to the front-and-center of your page. Your full employment and education history is now prominently featured in your Facebook profile’s “Intro” section, while it was previously tucked away in your profile’s…

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