Facebook Wants To Make It Easier To Change Your Privacy Settings

Facebook users have expressed more interest than ever in learning how to protect their own privacy on the platform. That’s not surprising, given the sheer amount of scandals the company has faced recently. Now, Facebook has admitted that it’s heard these complaints, and will fix its controls with design changes and a staff re-organization.

The company said it wants to start by raising awareness of its privacy features, which it says many users don’t know exist. Facebook also plans on revamping the design of its settings and rolling out the recently-announced “Clear History” feature. Still, the social media giant admitted that it has its work cut out for it.

“The tension that always arises is everyone wants simpler controls and more powerful controls. Those two things are almost automatically at tension with each other,” said David Baser, Facebook’s Director of Product Management. “The challenge we need to figure out is, how do we build something that everyone will understand, and at the same time, not make it so complex that… people don’t want to interact with it?”

That is certainly a difficult problem to solve, but it’s one that Facebook willingly took on when it grew to its size. With over 2 billion active users, the company has an equally huge responsibility to protect us.