Creeps of the Week – September 25, 2010

michael-williamsWithout question, the biggest Creep of this past week goes to Michael Williams, the 29-year-old pedophile from the UK. Williams admitted to 27 charges including enticing sexual activity, grooming children and having sex with a child under 16. Williams further admitted to four charges of enticing 460 children to commit sex acts over the internet. Detectives believe the real number of his victims is closer to 1,000, as many are too afraid, humiliated or embarrassed to come forward. . Williams is said to have created at least 7 or 8 fake profiles on Facebook and/or Bebo in attempts to stalk, groom and lure children for his sexual exploits.

The Truro crown court heard the sordid details of his despicable acts. Some of his victims were only 11 years old. Williams would often target youngsters he met on his postal route or as a school bus taxi. He is also known to have targeted victims of a football club, of which he was a secretary.

The court further heard that he had sexual intercourse with two young girls and that he also abused a 13 year-old boy that he met through the football club. Six girls and two boys were assaulted in his residence over a five year period.

The prosecutor of the case stated, “This was internet sex offending on a previously unseen scale.” Perhaps the most shocking twist of this sordid tale is the minimal jail sentence Williams will be required to serve. Judge Paul Darlow sentenced Williams to only eight-and-half years total. The father of one of the victims was “incensed” when he heard of the verdict. The father went on to say that the sentence should have been at least 16 years due to the nature of the crime.

Tell us what you think.


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