Woman Killed over Facebook Comments

facebook_logo_darkIn this day and age, we have to be careful about what we post on Facebook. There’s a lot of wisdom in the saying, “One man’s freedom to swing his fist ends where another person’s nose begins” – and that’s something we’d do well to remember each time we say something on a social networking site.

A lot of people have already had to pay dearly for offensive status updates, comments, photos, etc., but one woman had to pay the ultimate price – her life.

18-year old Bety Morel Milomal, was just partying with her friends in Santo Domingo’s Villa Duarte Sector when, suddenly, 22-year old Cristina Cabrera confronted her. The two of them fought about some negative comments that were posted on Facebook. The fight got pretty heated and Morel soon grabbed a knife, attacking Cabrera with it. Cabrera was quickly taken to the Dario Contreras Hospital, but she later died due to the wounds inflicted. Morel, on the other hand, had taken the opportunity to flee the scene. She is now being hunted by the authorities.

The whole fiasco began over an argument originating on Facebook. It’s unclear who among the women started the fight. Although, there are some witnesses who claim that it had been Cabrera who posted the negative comments. What those negative comments were hasn’t been released to the public either. Still, whatever they were, it’s hard to imagine any Facebook comment that would warrant a murder.

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