Abine’s DoNotTrackMe 3.0 Keeps Consumers Safe From Tracking and Fraud

masked_cardsFraud prevention experts estimate that cybercriminals commit about 80 percent more online fraud during the holiday season than the rest of the year. That’s why it is the perfect time for Abine to roll out DoNotTrackMe 3.0, a browser extension that stops online trackers from finding your contact and credit card info.

DoNotTrackMe’s core features remain the same in its new version, protecting users from over 600 online trackers from advertisers, social media sites and beyond. With recent data scandals like Facebook’s involvement in the NSA, the need to secure your online data has never been more apparent. DoNotTrackMe stays up to date with tracker technology, ensuring that your email, phone number and credit card information remain secure.

Abine is also offering unlimited Masked Cards through December 26. Masked Cards are a DoNotTrackMe product that allows you to make purchases on the web without having to give away your real credit card number. The product creates unique, disposable credit card numbers for every purchase you make, functioning much like a prepaid gift card. This helps keep your information safe from hackers and untrustworthy companies, and it ensures you won’t get tagged with unwanted recurring charges every month. Though cybercrime might peak around the holidays, it’s never a bad time to protect yourself (and your finances) from prying eyes online.

Click here to access the DoNotTrackMe Web application. Once you complete the registration process, you’ll have access to the extension in your privacy dashboard.