Android App Erases Facebook Posts and Comments

If you want all traces of your Facebook activities deleted, all you need to do is to go to your account settings and deactivate your account. Of course, it’s not really deleted. As we have covered in the past, your data is still sitting on a Facebook server somewhere. In fact, you can easily summon all this data back to existence with just a click of a button. Then again, if the purpose for deleting your account is so people you personally know won’t be able to get access to this data, then the ‘deactivate’ button usually proves sufficient.

However, if you don’t feel like starting over and building up your friend list from scratch, then the deactivate button will prove terribly inadequate. It’s too final, even if it is reversible. It’s either you stay on the ship or you jump off. There’s no middle ground; unless you delete all your comments and posts one by one. It’s an excruciating task – especially for those who have been on the site for years. User Facebook data usually amounts to volumes and volumes and it’s difficult to delete each post manually, especially those comments that users posted on their friend’s pages.

Enter “Exfoliate”, a new Android tool that helps clean up posts, comments and likes – both on your own wall and those of your friends. It can also include any comments made by your friends on your own wall. You can even set the parameters for deletion – such as the age of the data and the specific category of content.

For age, you can choose to delete data that’s older than one, two, and three years, six months, or three months. You can also choose to clean your wall, your friends’ walls, delete your posts, delete your comments, your likes, photos, or – if you really want a clean slate – all of them.

However, you should keep in mind that anything you delete through this app will be impossible to recover. This isn’t like Facebook’s deactivate-reactivate, which can pretty much accommodate the whims of the most indecisive person on the planet. Once you ‘exfoliate’ your Facebook data, it’s going to be final.

The app does not retain your log-in information and the developers claim that neither they nor any third party are presented with your data. Exfoliate has received mostly 5 stars from users, which should vouch for its reliability. However, if you’re going to use it, be sure that you have a bit of time on your hands because deleting data could take several hours, especially if you have a lot to delete. Supposedly, an iPhone version will be released soon.

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