Active threat list of viral scams plaguing Facebook users

Many of the viral scams that we profiled earlier in the week continue to spread unabated on Facebook. Some of the scams are spreading via like-jacking mechanisms, while others are the obvious work of a hacked account. The important thing for all Facebook users to remember is to remain vigilant at all times, and always be careful what you click!

Here is a handy list of the most current viral scams that you can share with your friends:

Big Baby Born Amazing effect – WebCamera

You wont beleive what she does!!

Introducing Facebook Viewers

Facebook Now Has A Dislike button! Enable The Feature

Also be on the lookout for suspicious looking comments left by friends on your status updates, photos, videos, etc. Do not click on any hyperlinks located in comments until you have verified their legitimacy with the friend leaving the comment. Or you can check the link with an online virus scanner.

Please share this report to help educate your friends about these threats. If people don’t let their curiosity get the best of them and take some basic security precautions, then these scams will dissipate much quicker.

If you would like to stay informed on the latest Facebook threats, then join our community of over 40,000 members on Facebook.

[SCAM ALERT] [friend's name] There is a Website error right now and their shipping out 100 percent free Presents Previous post [SCAM ALERT] [friend's name] There is a Website error right now and their shipping out 100 percent free Presents Facecrooks Weekly Roundup - May 30, 2011 Next post Facecrooks Weekly Roundup - May 30, 2011