Look What happens when father catches daughter on her webcam. No Surveys! Facebook Scam

Scam Name: “Look What happens when father catches daughter on her webcam. No Surveys! Facebook Scam!”

Scam Signature Message: “Look What happens when father catches daughter on her webcam. No Surveys!

Scam Link: Wall Post

Scam Type: Survey scam / Rogue App

Trending: October 2010

Why it’s a Scam:

I know it is shocking, but the scammers are actually lying about there not being any surveys. Once you click on the link, you are taken to supposed YouTube link of a young woman in a sexy plaid skirt.

Instead of a video link, you are actually granting access to an application called “Epic.” Keep in mind, when you grant an application access to your account, your profile, your friend details, the ability to post messages and administrative functions are all available to the rogue app.

How to Deal with the Scam:

If you did make the mistake of passing the link onto your friends, you should clean-up your newsfeed and profile to remove references to the all of the page referenced above. You also need to access your Application Settings and remove “Epic” from the list. To access your “Application Settings,” click “Account” in the top right hand corner. You will then see “Application Settings” as an option in the list.

If you or your Facebook friends are falling for tricks like this, it’s time to get yourself informed of the latest threats. Be sure to join the Facecrooks page on Facebook to be kept informed of the latest security issues. Also check out:

Your Ultimate Guide to Facebook Scams and How to Deal with Them

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