OMG! Im never going to send another text message again after seeing this! Facebook Scam

Scam Name: “OMG! Im never going to send another text message again after seeing this!”

Scam Signature Message(s):

“OMG! Im never going to send another text message again after seeing this!”

“OMG! Im not txtin again now that I have seen this!”

Scam Link:

Scam Type: Rogue Application

Trending: October 2010

Why it’s a Scam:

Surpringly, this scam is not a survey scam that has been wildly popular on Facebook lately. This one is far more nefarious! When you click on the link, you are giving the rogue application access to your personal data, the ability to post to your wall and the ability to email you directly. If you do click the link, you are ultimately rewarded with the following news article that is freely available online:

How to Deal with the Scam:

If you did make the mistake of granting access to the rogue application, you should immediately clean up your newsfeed and remove the application from your Application Settings. To access your “Application Settings,” click “Account” in the top right hand corner. You will then see “Application Settings” as an option in the list.

If you or your Facebook friends are falling for tricks like this, it’s time to get yourself informed of the latest threats. Be sure to join the Facecrooks page on Facebook to be kept informed of the latest security issues. Also check out:

Your Ultimate Guide to Facebook Scams and How to Deal with Them

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