Internet Safety & Privacy

Facebook Actions: Revolutionary or Invasive?

Facebook Actions: Revolutionary or Invasive?

Speculators say that today, Facebook will announce their new feature called “Facebook Actions”. With Actions, Facebook plans to get users to share more of what they do outside of Facebook on their profiles. It’s not really a new feature, it’s more like an extension of the Frictionless sharing feature. You’ve no doubt seen the “(name…

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Share Your Last Words with ‘If I Die’ Facebook Application

Share Your Last Words with ‘If I Die’ Facebook Application

Death – a grim subject at best. It’s something that most people would like to forget or ignore. Its eventuality warrants that we at least be prepared for when that day comes. Nobody wants to leave this world with regrets, with words unsaid. Imagine dying without telling your loved ones how much they mean to…

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SOPA News You Can Use

SOPA News You Can Use

First off, we would like to give huge props and kudos to Techdirt for leading the charge against SOPA. Their daily coverage of this dreadful piece of legislation has been spectacular. We have provided links to some of the top stories of the week regarding SOPA, but visit their site for more in depth coverage…

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Did you know your CELL PHONE has a name? Try this – Facebook Hoax

Did you know your CELL PHONE has a name? Try this – Facebook Hoax

Anytime a status update goes viral, we have several readers ask us what’s up with it. Is it a scam? Is it a hoax? We always try to get to the bottom of it and let you know if it’s something to be concerned about. The latest update circulating on The Social Network is: Did…

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Facebook Blamed for “Ruining a Man’s Life”

Facebook Blamed for “Ruining a Man’s Life”

Privacy International recently wrote in a blog post that one teen in London had his life turned upside down due to Facebook’s targeted ads. How did this happen? According to the group, the teen had been hiding the fact that he was homosexual from his family. So far he had been  successful in doing so,…

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Lawmakers Accuse Facebook of Evading Privacy Questions

Lawmakers Accuse Facebook of Evading Privacy Questions

Despite the settlement that the FTC and Facebook reached regarding user privacy, Congressmen Joe Barton and Edward Markey are still far from satisfied with how Facebook conducts its business. They claim that Facebook is trying to evade some important privacy questions – particularly those concerning a questionable patent they filed last February. The patent suggests…

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[Infographic] Facebook’s Huge Crowd, How It’s Attacked & How You Can Stay Safe

[Infographic] Facebook’s Huge Crowd, How It’s Attacked & How You Can Stay Safe

ZoneAlarm posted a very informative infographic last week highlighting the popularity and reach of Facebook around the globe. Anytime you attract a crowd of this enormity online, you’ll also be a beacon to hackers, scammers, spammers and other undesirable elements. Here are a few fun facts just to give you an idea of just how…

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EPIC asks FTC to Conduct Further Investigations into Facebook Timeline

EPIC asks FTC to Conduct Further Investigations into Facebook Timeline

Due to recent developments on the Facebook privacy front, it seems certain that Facebook’s ordeal with the Federal Trade Commission is far from over. The first probe into their privacy practices was recently concluded, with some pretty steep conditions imposed. But now the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is calling upon the FTC to probe…

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Facebook not Necessary for UK Netflix Account

Facebook not Necessary for UK Netflix Account

Netflix is one of the premiere providers of movies online. At £5.99, its users get to stream movies and TV shows on their computers, phones, and even gaming consoles. It’s a really small price to pay for so much entertainment – which is why UK citizens were pretty stoked when Netflix was launched in their…

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[HOAX ALERT] Thierry Mairot Pedophile Facebook Warning

[HOAX ALERT] Thierry Mairot Pedophile Facebook Warning

Another hoax is making the rounds on Facebook. As with most of them, the more urgent and sensational they are the quicker they spread. Here is the latest message that is showing up on Newsfeeds everywhere: “URGENT URGENT ……… To all the parents whose children have a profile on facebook! There is a man who…

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