Safety Center

Facebook Privacy and Security Made Simple

Facebook Privacy and Security Made Simple

Criminals and scammers love crowds. And in cyberspace, there’s no crowd bigger than the one found on Facebook. Currently numbering more than 500 million members, its no wonder this social network juggernaut has become the newSinCity of the net. The good news is the fact that Facebook has recently made some changes on its user…

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How to stay safe on Twitter

How to stay safe on Twitter

Millions of people use Twitter every day. There are thousands of phishing scams on Twitter that try to take your password and use your account to spam others. Here are a few ways to stay safe on Twitter, along with instructions on what to do if your account is compromised. * Keep your password safe.…

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How to turn off Instant Personalization

How to turn off Instant Personalization

“Instant Personalization” was launched by Facebook last year at their developers conference. This new feature gives approved sites (Bing, TripAdvisor, Clicker, Rotten Tomatoes, Docs, Pandora, Yelp, and Scribd) access to your information and content that you have made available to everyone. The user must be logged in to Facebook when visiting the site, and it…

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Four Things You Need To Do If Your Facebook Account Gets Hacked

Four Things You Need To Do If Your Facebook Account Gets Hacked

If you are the unfortunate victim of a “Facecrook”, and your Facebook account gets hacked, there are several steps you can take to reclaim your account and your get your Facebook life back in order. 1. Attempt to Reclaim your Account -If your account has been hacked, your best bet is to visit the Facebook…

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Safety Center

Safety Center

No one can guarantee your safety from identity theft, cyber-bullying and other threats that may surface from the use of social media and the internet in general. However, there are some common sense tips that can be used to protect you and your loved ones. The internet is often referred to as the “Information Superhighway.”…

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