
419 Advanced Fee Scams / Romance Scams

419 Advanced Fee Scams / Romance Scams

419 Advanced Fee Scams / Romance Scams This type of scam involves convincing Facebook users to send money in order to collect a lottery prize, to buy a non existent product, to become a part of a get rich quick or residual income scheme, or even to help a Facebook ‘Friend’ or ‘Lover’ in distress.

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Malware / Spyware Infested Links

Malware / Spyware Infested Links

Malware / Spyware Infested Links A scam that also lures Facebook users into clicking on a link or pasting a code on their browsers that would activate a download of malicious programs such as worms, viruses, Trojans, keyloggers, etc into their computer.  These malicious programs could then be used to collect personal data, hijack online…

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Subscription A scam that lures users to unknowingly subscribe to a service that will automatically charge their mobile phone accounts or credit cards.  This is usually accomplished by taking Facebook users to a page that requires them to perform a series of actions that culminates into the user giving his or her mobile phone number…

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Click/Like Jacking

Click/Like Jacking

Click/Like Jacking Yet another Facebook scam that at the surface seems relatively harmless. This type of scam involves luring Facebook users into clicking on a link that accompanies a message that friends have ‘liked’. The link would then take a Facebook user to a page where they will be asked to perform an action such…

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Phishing / Identity Theft

Phishing / Identity Theft

Phishing / Identity Theft This type of scam hijacks your Facebook account by luring you to a webpage having a fake Facebook log-in page or malware that installs a keylogger [a malicious program capable of searching for usernames and passwords in your PC].     Upon gaining control of your account, the scammer will then contact your…

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