Weekly Roundup – August 14, 2010

Social-Media-News-AGood morning Facecrooks!

One of the funniest stories of the week actually turned out to be a hoax.“Girl quits her job on dry erase board, emails entire office (33 Photos)” “Jenny DryErase was created by John and Leo Resig and was featured on thechive.com.

It turns out that “Jenny” was actually played by Elyse Porterfield, an aspiring young actress that had just moved to L.A. from Greeley, Colorado. She quickly gained internet stardom and has the following group created by her devotees: “1,000,000 Strong for Jenny DryErase to Pose in Playboy”. We’ll keep you posted on how the Playboy gig works out for her!


Another top story involved the shame to Facebook fame rise of Steven Slater, the JetBlue® flight attendant who blew his lid and the door to the plane, making his grand exit. He had been involved in an altercation with an unruly passenger, and decided to grab some brewskies and hit the tarmac super-slide style. He was arrested, jailed and then hailed as a working class hero! http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20413156,00.html. A Facebook Page in his honor has quickly amassed over 35,000 fans! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Free-Steven-Slater/144193358941536.


Another, more disturbing, story this week involved Rachel Stierninger of Keysonte Heights, Florida. A Facebook photo of her 2 year old son holding a bong quickly gained popularity in June. She was arrested this week on drug charges and is currently attending drug counseling and parenting classes.


On a more technical note, Facebook had another privacy fiasco this week. A researcher discovered a bug that would allow a potential abuser to obtain the full names and photos of users by entering the user email and a bogus password. A Facebook spokesperson stated that the bug had been fixed and also added that the their privacy policy prohibits the mining of such data. Thank goodness for the privacy policy, because we all know that hackers and scammers abide by those. You can read he full story here: http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Security/Facebook-Fixes-Privacy-Bug-632009/.

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