Man Faces Felony Charges after Bragging on Facebook about Poaching

hunting_banAll people have done a few bad things in life that they’re not particularly proud of. But then again, there are also some things in life that, though bad, can generate quite a bit of pride. A particularly funny but considerably mean prank that you did back in high school can be a very good example. It might have earned you quite a reprimand from your teacher, but the look on your friend’s face as you did it made it all worth it. Besides, bragging rights for having conceived such a genius plot, after all, have their value in gold.

However, at some point or another, you have to draw the line. If your ‘brag-worthy bad deed’ was illegal, then you’d do best to refrain from bragging about it, no matter how strong the temptation might be. This was one lesson that 43-year old Darin Lee Waldo from Polk County had to learn the hard way.

Waldo tried to take out a wild turkey and deer during the closed season with the use of his illegally possessed firearm. How many laws he broke in just one hunting session is a technicality that I’ll leave to any law experts out there. Suffice it, though, to say that Waldo has now been arrested under several charges, among them unlawful hunting.

Waldo was caught after he posted pictures of his illegal activities on Facebook and even shared his experiences and stories in chat rooms. What Waldo didn’t know, however, that he was actually bragging about his exploits to an undercover agent from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. That was a very big faux pas on Waldo’s part, and he’s now facing seven felony charges as well as six misdemeanor charges. He might be facing quite a long time in jail and a very hefty sum for his inability to keep his mouth shut when it needed to be.

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