New York Times: Facebook Developing Anonymous App

Facebook privacy issuesAccording to The New York Times, Facebook is only a few weeks away from releasing a standalone mobile app that will allow users to interact with each other without having to use their real names.

According to the Times, the app could be used as a Reddit-like tool that allows users to have frank and open conversations with one another while maintaining their privacy and anonymity. It has also been suggested that the app will work in conjunction with Facebook’s upcoming health app, first reported last week. Though Facebook’s main site has taken a strong stand against user pseudonyms, Facebook appears to be interested, or at least willing, to try new things across their many different platforms.

News of the app comes at an interesting time. Facebook recently found itself embroiled in a controversy with many LGBT users who were offended by the site’s enforcement of its “real name” policy. Though Facebook ultimately apologized for forcing drag queens and other transgender individuals to use their real names and reversed course, the site will still make the majority of users identify with their real names. This app is arriving too quickly to be a direct response to that controversy, but it certainly cushions the blow from the bad publicity the site received from it.

Recommended Resources

BitDefender Safego is a Facebook application you can install that will scan your News Feed and help keep you safe from scams on Facebook.

DoNotTrackMe® is a used by millions of people worldwide for free to block web tracking and spam email. Advanced Premium features ($5/mo.) allow you to protect more private information by creating one-time use, private credit cards when you shop online.

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