Facebook Free iPhone Scam [via Facebook Chat]

Title: Facebook Free iPhone Scam [via Chat]

Scam Name: Facebook Free iPhone Scam

Scam Signature Message: “Hey [name] I just got my free iphone 4 in the mail and thought you might want it too so go here http://bit.ly/[censored] and put in your e-mail and shipping stuff and they will send you it. thank me later :),”

Scam Link: http://bit.ly/[censored]

Scam Type: Survey scam

Trending: August 2010

Why it’s a Scam: Link takes you to a survey which asks for a wealth of personal information that can be used for targetted spam against you in the future. Some victims report that their accounts are also hijacked and used to propagate the scam in their network.

How to Deal with the Scam:

If you did make the mistake of falling for the scam, do a full system anti-virus anti-spyware scan after update and change your Facebook password immediately after. Warn your friends not to click on the chat link too.

If you or your Facebook friends are falling for tricks like this, it’s time to get yourself informed of the latest threats. Be sure to join the Facecrooks page on Facebook to be kept informed of the latest security issues? Also check out:

Your Ultimate Guide to Facebook Scams and How to Deal with Them

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